Our Teleradiology( online x-ray, CT scan,MRI reporting service) Radiologist team are qualified and experienced Bangladesh and from America ,London, India, Canada, Japan, are able to provide preliminary reports, final reports, sub-specialty opinion, second opinion and night  time reporting. Our Radiologist’s will provide you international standards quality reporting.Our radiologists are following certifications.

  1. FCPS
  2. FRCR
  3. MD
  4. DMRD
  5. PhD
  6. M Phil

Our subspecialist Radiologist

Neuroradiology Imaging

Breast Imaging

Abdominal Imaging

Musculoskeletal Radiology

Vascular Radiology

pediatric Radiology

Cardiac Imaging

Nuclear Radiology


Credentials of  Radiologists will be given on request.

MediScan radiologists are the heart of our practice – and at the center of our commitment to exceptional patient care. They are passionate about providing quality patient care — and helping client physicians make better decisions for the health of the patients they collectively serve.

We are proud of our ability to attract and retain high-quality radiologists who deliver exemplary patient care for our clients; our internal quality assurance peer review process rates our radiologists with an industry leading 99% accuracy score.  Our physicians are passionate about their commitment to quality patient care — and are proud of the impact they have on client patients and practices.

. MediScan radiologists drive and inform our clinical and operational investments.  They’ve designed a practice that maximizes their focus on radiology — and on patients — by minimizing non-clinical distractions and creating seamless, real-time collaboration tools with their practice peers and referring physicians.  Our practice leaders have also developed a stringent  Quality Assurance Program that includes peer review, standardized monitoring of quality metrics and active clinical oversight and management.

Mediscan physicians believe these best practices, along with our, patented proprietary workflow assignment technology generate more accurate reads and faster turnaround times—and create a clinical practice environment that allows us to recruit and retain physicians from some of the most competitive Bangladesh  programs.

Our medical staff demands reliability and consistency in radiology services. We know they are satisfied currently due to the low number of issues raised around imaging. And when there is an issue or a question, it is resolved in a timely fashion. This kind of attention and responsiveness from our Mediscan medical director and the remote radiologists is an important part of our partnership.

For Radiologist Credentials & panel please contact with us